How To Manage Electrical Emergencies On Site

Manage Electrical Emergencies On Site

In electrical works, the primary hazard of the occupation is electricity. Though a great deal of these risks can be reduced by taking the required precautions and using the professionally established processes, it is still possible for emergencies to arise. To minimise this, we advise you to use highly recommended emergency electrician in London.

To preserve your life during an electrical emergency on-site, you must work with an experienced electrician or someone who knows what you should and should not do. Here, we will be looking at the important steps in which you can follow to help you stay safe in the site and the need for safety training in an electro-technology industry.

What You Must Do In An Electrical Emergency

1. Avoid touching the person that is being shocked

It is common to see people rush in to help their colleague receiving electrical shock; most of the time, they join in the shock, and this does nothing but worsens the case. This is generally due to the overwhelming compassion but how important is the compassion when it only worsens the situation?

The human body conducts electricity, and because of this, charges can easily pass through one person’s body to another, especially when there is direct contact. Since electricity can be very dangerous, one needs to limit the exposure of electric shock.

There are cases where the person receiving the shock may be stuck to the currents of electricity. This is due to the very high voltage, which causes the contraction of the victim’s muscles. This automatically makes them unable to release the cable or item that is administering the shock.

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For additional safety, be cautious while moving around the site if there is split water on the site. Water spillage on the site of an electric shock is very dangerous since water itself is a conductor of electricity. Hence, for one to be completely safe, it is advised that they stay away from the area until the power supply has been cut off or go to step 3.

2. Request emergency services


Before rendering help to the person receiving the shock, you need to have someone with you so that the person can do step three while you do step two. If you are not with anybody, call the emergency crew immediately as patients who have been severely shocked by electricity will need to be treated by medical professionals. This should be done before you do any other thing at the site to rescue the person.

It is important you provide the crew details of the incident as this will help them to come prepared. Tell them your location with a proper description of the place— this will help them locate you easily.

3. Cut the power supply

Before going close to the person receiving the shock, cut the power supply. This will make the entire site safe for you and every other person. It will also make it safe for the ambulance to come in.

If you cannot cut the power supply, emergency electricians in London will suggest you use dry wood or any non-conductive material to separate the person from the electricity source. If you have a low voltage rescue kit, use the rescue crook to separate the person.


4. Administer first aid

After separating the person from the source of electricity, walk up to them and administer first aid. The person may have serious burns, cardiac arrest or may even die, and you should know how to deal with the different situations.

If you realise that the individual is unresponsive, take care of the injury. If it is a burn, pour cold water in it for 20 minutes and then dress. If there is no first aid box available, use a kitchen cling wrap to cover it — don’t make it too tight. Avoid using oil or ointments on the burns.

If the person is not breathing, resuscitate them by performing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) until the medical team arrives to do the rest.

The difference between death and life for the person injured is your knowing what to do before the medical team arrives. This is why, as an electrical technician; you should be fully trained on how to administer first aid.

How Important Is Safety Training?

Electrical emergencies and other occupational hazards have been the reason many lose their lives or get seriously injured. The families involved in these damages usually bear serious loss, and so is the business involved. To manage this case, every worker needs to be trained on how to handle occupational emergencies.

  • As a worker, you will be trained on:
  • The best way to respond to emergencies
  • Performing a CPR
  • Using a live LV panel, perform a rescue
  • How to access and prioritise when working on or close to energy-carrying conductors or their parts
  • Principles of isolation
  • The tools and procedure of LV panel rescue.
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It is possible to work on sites without having an emergency. To do this, you have to ensure you are using the professionals or you pay for your current workers to be trained. Professionals like Electric Works London are always available for you. You can book an appointment today.

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