Spring Pests and Exterminator in Vancouver for Pest Control

Pests and Exterminator

Spring has just arrived in Vancouver, and pests will also start to wake up from their winter naps. The first thing that may come to the mind of pests is the search for food and shelter. As a result, homeowners who haven’t taken any precautions against pests will suffer a pest infestation. Besides, no one likes seeing pests in a home because they are truly an annoyance. Pests can cause damage to a property, transmit diseases to humans & pets, and they can spoil the home hygiene. Calling an exterminator in Vancouver is always helpful against pests as long as homeowners choose the right pest control service. Nevertheless, taking preventive measures against pests in Vancouver can also aid homeowners in avoiding pest infestations.  

Spring Pests You May See Infesting Homes in Vancouver

Common pests and critters that can turn your home into chaos in spring in Vancouver aren’t a few. Besides, there are also pests that can trouble you year-round in Vancouver. Mice, ants, and squirrels can trouble you throughout the year in Vancouver unless you take preventive measures to evade them. In addition, the following are the most common pests that can infest your home in Vancouver in the spring:

Boxelder Bugs:

Boxelder bugs are red and black beetle that may crawl around your window and door thresholds in early spring. Warm air attracts boxelder bugs; thus, they try hard to get inside homes in the spring. If you notice unsightly stains on curtains, fabrics, or walls, it means boxelder beetles have infested your home. These beetles can also feed on your indoor plants. These beetles are also called Garage Beetle or Maple Bug. 

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Bees, Hornets, and Yellow Jackets:

Seeing bees in outdoor gardens throughout Vancouver may delight homeowners because they are good for the environment. Nevertheless, the problem arises when bees or their aggressive cousins, such as hornets and yellow jackets, nest inside homes. Seeing their nests on a property is a signal for you to take prompt action to eliminate them. Calling an esteemed exterminator in Vancouver, such as Pesticon, can help you successfully deal with the problem. Otherwise, the nests will keep growing and eventually become a threat to you and your family.

Fleas and Ticks:

Fleas and ticks can also cause problems for you once they are on your property. Besides, the problem of fleas and ticks is growing worse every year in Vancouver. Fleas aren’t a threat to humans but to pets. By the same token, you should have your pet dog and cat some flea repellent medication as springtime rolls around. On the other hand, ticks are a threat to humans, as well. They can transmit Lyme Disease to humans. Furthermore, Deer Ticks, which are common in rural and forested areas of Vancouver, British Columbia, are particularly dangerous to humans.

What You May Do to Avert Spring Pests in Vancouver?

You can prevent pest infestations in your home in the spring while following some precautions in and around your home. Here are preventive measures you need to take to avoid a pest infestation in your home in the spring:

Clear out Old Leaves and Debris:

You should remove old leaves and debris from your yard to avoid pests.

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Clear Standing Water from Your Yard:

Remove any standing water outside your home to avert pests from propagating in your home.

Inspect Indoors:

Thoroughly check your attic, basement, and remote/hard-to-reach places in your home like crawlspaces. Inspect the aforementioned areas to notice any signs of pest infestation. If the area is clear, it’s good . Nonetheless, you should maintain proper hygiene in your home and keep your property clean to prevent pest infestations

What to Do If You Notice Signs of Pest Infestations

Pests may still succeed in making their way onto your property despite the precautions you may take to avoid them. Some signs of pest infestations include rodent droppings, chewed wood, and insect nests. If you notice signs of a pest infestation, you should identify the pest you are dealing with. Then, you should take the best action possible to get rid of the pests you are dealing with from your home. Further, calling the exterminator is the best thing you can do to successfully deal with pest infestations in the spring.


Spring has arrived, and pests will also start waking up from their winter naps to search for food and shelter. You can confront different types of pests in your home in Vancouver besides pests who remain active year-round. The most common spring pests that can infest your home in Vancouver in the spring are as follows:

  1. Boxelder bugs
  2. Bees, hornets, and yellow jackets
  3. Ticks and fleas

Taking preventive measures in advance can help you prevent a pest infestation in your home in the spring. Nevertheless, pests may still succeed in infesting your home in the spring. Calling the exterminator in Vancouver is the best thing you can do to get rid of pests from your home who may infest it. 

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