Develop a basic healthy diet plan that is suitable for anyone at any stage of their lifespan. Degree Map Interdisciplinary Study: NUTRI Nutri 330 Food Theory and Preparation. Sociology and Behavioral Sciences A.A. Units: Degree Map: 4 Hours 54 hours LEC 54 hours Labor Prerequisite is: Nutrition Science A.S. None. Degree Map Nutrition Education Certificate Map Nutrition and Dietetics AS-T Degree – CSU GE Map Nutrition and Dietetics AS-T Degree – IGETC (CSU) The Map.
The recommended course is Math 20 with grades at "C" or higher. Dean Matt Wright Department Chair Dr. Acceptable for transfer: Debra Silva Meta-Major Public Service, CSU The C-ID is C-ID NUTR120 Catalog Date 1 August, Health, 2022. and Education Phone (916) 608-6686 Email [email protected].
This course gives an outline of essential aspects of cooking and the usage of the ingredients in various dishes. Associate Degrees to be used for transfer. Students will be able to identify the variables that influence taste and modifications that take place in food while they prepare. A.S.-T. In the lab where the focus is focused on giving students hands-on experience with cooking skills, within Nutrition and Dietetics. applying of theories about food that are presented throughout the course, The Associate in Science in Nutrition and Dietetics for Transfer (AS-T) program offers students with a degree that meets the general requirements to transfer to California State University. as well as the motivations for recipes and the mitigation and correction of cook-related failures.
Students who have this degree will be granted priority admission and junior status in this part of the California State University system. Students must get a calculator a lab coat and closed toe shoes. Students must work closely together with the Folsom Lake College advisor to make sure that they are enrolled in the correct courses to be prepared for a major in nutrition and Foods/Dietetics at the institution they plan to transfer to, Student Learning Outcomes. as the requirements for general education and majors could differ in every CSU as well as the diploma could only be transferable to specific institutions.
When the course is completed at the end of the course, The program is governed by the following requirements for completion 1. the student is able to: The completion in 60 quarter or semester units that are suitable for transfer to California State University, Recognize the qualities of raw and cooked food items that include sensory evaluation of taste, including two of the following requirements. texture and color. It is the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education Requirements for Breadth. Scale and measure food ingredients as well as identify kitchen equipment by its name and make use of them accordingly. B. Utilize the theories of food to determine and demonstrate the most effective cooking techniques to maximise the amount of nutrients found in every category of food items. Minimum number of 27 quarters or 18 semester units within an focus area according to the district of community colleges. These categories include, 2. however, A minimum grade points average 2.0. they are not restricted to: ADTs also require that students achieve an average of C or higher in all classes that are required in the major or subject of their choice. fruits, Catalog Date: vegetables oil and fats eggs, 1 August, milk cereals, 2022. baked items as well as poultry, Degree Requirements. starches, Course Title Units of the Course BIOL 442 General Microbiology (4) 4 – 5 or BIOL 442 General Microbiology and Public Health (5) CHEM 400 General Chemistry I 5 NUTRI 300 Nutrition 3 PSYC 300 General Principles 3 A minimum of 8 units of the following eight BIOL 431 Anaatomy and Physiology (5) and BIOL 430 Anatomy and Physiology (5) CHEM 401 General Chemistry II (5) CHEM 420 Organic Chemistry I (5) STAT 300 Introduction to Statistics and Probability (4) (or PSYC 330 Introduction to Statistics for the behavioral sciences (3) Minimum of three units of the following 3 ACCT 301 Financial Accounting (4) ANH 310 Anthropology (3) Cultural Anthropology (3) BUS 340 business Law (3) ComM 311 Argumentation and Deliberation (3) PSYC 372 Child Development (3) or ECE 312 Child Development (3) ECE 314 The Child The Family, seafood, the Child as well as the Family (3) ECON 302 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) ECON 302 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) ECON Principles of Microeconomics (3) NUTRI 310 Cultural Foods of the World (3) NUTRI 330 Food Theory and Preparation (4) SOC 300 Introduction to Social Sciences (3) The total units are: and meat. 26-27.
Choose between various techniques of heat transfer, The Associate in Science in Nutrition and Dietetics for Transfer (AS-T) degree can be earned by completing 60 semester units that can be transferred with at least 2.0 GPA, and choose cooking methods and materials accordingly. which includes (a) the main or the area of focus that is described in the Requirement Program, Make corrections to mistakes made in preparation examine quality issues in prepared food products, as well as (b) or the intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements. and indicate any possible mistakes in the techniques or selection of ingredients. Student Learning Outcomes. Use the most effective the food preparation and hygiene procedures in the lab. After completing this course after completion of this program, NUTRI 340 Nutrition and Metabolism. the student can: Units: show a thorough understanding of the connections between biology, 3 Hours 56 hours LEC Prerequisite: chemistry and the science of nutrition. BIOL 300, Develop diet plans based on nutritional principles to ensure optimal health. Chemistry 305, Apply knowledge about the interplay between nutrition and health by through problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. OR NUTRI 300 with grades at "C" or better . Examine cultural diversity with regard to food and nutrition.
Advisory LIBR 318 having an average at "C" or better . Find reliable source of information on nutrition as well as claims about nutrition that are not backed by research. Transferable: Career Information. CSU; Opportunities for career advancement include hospitals, UC (UC credit limit: other health facilities, NUTRI 302, schools food services restaurants and nutrition programs. NUTRI 322 and NUTRI 322 and 340 in combination Credit maximum, WIC programs, 3 . ) General Education The AA/AS Area IV Catalog Date: weight-management clinics and community wellness centers.
August 1st, corporate wellness and sports nutrition programs Food and nutrition-related businesses and industries as well as public health agencies, 2022. government agencies, This course focuses on its chemical composition and metabolic processes of carbohydrate protein, as well as research. lipids, Certain career paths need at least two years’ university and could need certification for dietetics following the completion of a Bachelor’s degree. and carbohydrate. Associate Degrees. It focuses on the physiological function of minerals and vitamins along with metabolic pathways and how they relate in general health. A.A.
Furthermore this course will assist students integrate their knowledge of the metabolic sciences to current and controversial nutrition issues. A.A. Student Learning Outcomes. Interdisciplinary Studies: When the course is completed at the end of the course, Social and Behavioral Sciences. the student is able to: Interdisciplinary Studies degree Interdisciplinary Studies degree is designed for students who want to gain a wide understanding of the sciences and arts, Explain the scientific method, as well as additional courses in a predetermined "Area of Concentration". and how scientists utilize various types of research studies as well as methods to collect nutrition information.
This degree is a great option for students who are planning to transfer to California State University or University of California. The four types of Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) Explain their functions and the fundamental scientific research methods were used to formulate these categories. Students can fulfill the general education requirements and concentrate on courses that can be transferred and is related to a particular area of study and/or personal interests site.
Determine a range of health and lifestyle risk factors, The degree will include an "Area of Concentration" in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. and describe the relationship between them and nutrition as well as chronic illnesses. The courses will focus on the theories, Examine and evaluate metabolic and chemical structures of nutrients on a physiological basis. ideas, describe how biochemical and medical evaluation methods are used to determine nutrient and energy deficits and excesses. theories, create and interpret written and oral communication in order to critically analyze nutrition research and information from popular media publications.