IELTS Writing Score
Achieving the desired IELTS score means doing your best in all four sections. With the writing section often cited by test takers as the most difficult section of the test, we asked one of our global IELTS experts to share the best ways to improve your writing score. Here are 9 tips to improve your IELTS writing score.
Improve Your IELTS Writing Score
What is IELTS Writing Section?
Before getting into our advice, it is worth taking the time to understand all that the IELTS writing section entails.
First, there are two types of IELTS written section: IELTS General Training and IELTS Academic. Check with the institution you are applying to find out which version you need. Whichever type you do, you will need to complete two writing tasks.
Task 1 – for IELTS General Training you will write a letter; for IELTS Academic, you will select, compare and summarize data in a graph, table, graph or chart.
Task two – for both test types you will write an essay, although IELTS General Training uses more general topics.
Improve Your IELTS Writing Score Tips
1. Use Your Time Wisely
As a result, you have only 1 hr. to finished the entire part. Task II contributes more to your score in IELTS. So we recommend spending no more than 20 minutes on task one and half hour+10 minutes on task II. Allow time to plan and check what you have written. It’s good to get into the habit of setting time limits of 60 minutes during practice tests.
2. Check the Word Count
You must write a minimum of 150 words for task one and 250 words for task two. Anything less and you will lose points.
3. Understand the Task
So, to understand the task you should read the instructions very carefully highlight the key words. Firstly, you should know about the questions, what kind of question you need to cover. Also, what kind of knowledge you need to include and contains.
4. Organize Your Ideas Logically
Spend up to five minutes brainstorming ideas and deciding what information to include. Organize your ideas logically and include linking words and consistent devices between paragraphs, sentences, and phrases.
5. Know Your Approach
Each task requires a specific approach.
Task 1 (academic) – identify key trends and patterns; in the introduction, rewrite the task information using synonyms and grammatical transformation; organize your main paragraphs logically; don’t describe every piece of data – only what’s relevant to the question; Summarize the main trends of your body paragraphs in the conclusion.
Task 1 (General Training) – analyze the issue; brainstorm ideas using bulleted lists; plan paragraphs by processing your bullet points; write the letter.
Task 2 – include an introduction, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion; in the introduction, rephrase the question and form a thesis based on your opinion; write topic sentences outlining your main ideas – one topic sentence per idea – and use a topic sentence to start each body paragraph; in the rest of the paragraph, use explanations and examples to support the topic sentence; summarize your ideas in the conclusion.
6. Think About Style
Each type of task requires an appropriate style (formal, semi-formal or informal), which will determine your choice of grammatical structures and lexical resources.
7. Check Your Work!
When you complete each task, always perform a thorough check. Also, It is helpful to ask the following points are mentioned at below.
- Have you checked grammar and spelling?
- Have you covered everything required in the task?
- Have you organized the information into paragraphs?
- Did you summarize your main ideas in your conclusion?
- Also, did you rephrase the test in the introduction?
- Did you use linking words and speech markers?
- Have you checked the repeats?
- Did you use complex sentences?
8. Work on Your Grammatical Scope and Your Lexical Resource
Before test day, spend time reading different resources, such as advertisements, articles, manuals, magazines, reports, and sample practice test patterns, to learn new words in different contexts. So, revise the grammatical structures corresponding to levels C1 and C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with the IELTS coaching in Lucknow.
9. Learn from Your Mistakes
Start a learning journal to record errors in your own writing. Learn from these mistakes by correcting them, perhaps working with friends or colleagues who are also preparing for IELTS. So, you can choose this path and get overcome your weakness turns into strengths. Also, you should consult with the overseas education consultants.
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