Useful Tips to Become a Good Photo Editor

The biggest challenge any photographer faces is editing their own work, and by that we mean not just their knowledge of Photoshop, but their ability to filter and select only their best photos. Do you have so many on your computer that you don’t know where to start? Find out how to become a good photo editor by following these seven simple tips.

Compile your best photos once a month

By collecting your best photos every month, you will have quick access to these images for editing. You can use Adobe Lightroom’s Collections feature to simplify your task or simply save them to a different folder on your hard drive. This will save you valuable time and give you a general perspective of your work and the state of your progress.

Select your most beautiful photos of the month to save time and have an overview of your work.

Use Lightroom’s Image Comparisons

Thanks to this tool, you will be able to compare two images on the screen in a very clear and direct way. In fact, it not only serves you to compare photos from the same session but also to check if your new works are better than the previous ones.

Organize your photos by project or genre

After the enthusiasm of the beginnings, namely taking the photos, comes the dirty work: selecting the best of them and organizing them. How to go about it ? Selecting by date? By subject?

By interest? Structuring your images by project or genre will help you determine which works and which don’t (while being governed by the same rules or guidelines) and it will allow you to have an overall view of the results.

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Print your photos and hang them on the wall

It is not the same to see a photo on the computer than on paper, as for a framed photo at home or on your desk… To test your images in real life, print a few, the best ones , then put them where you can see them regularly. This is especially useful if you’re working on a personal project and want to see how it’s progressing.Test your images by printing the best ones and then placing them where you will see them frequently.

Design a PDF portfolio or book

You can pretty much tell if the photos work well , individually or together, if you lay them out on a board or journal. Observing these compositions will also help you to create or give rise to a very precise rhythm in the final work: physically observing things in a context allows you to achieve your objectives. In addition, the PDF format is an easy, fast and economical way to publicize your achievements.

By viewing your photos as if they were printed on a board or magazine, you’ll get a clearer picture of how they work and appeal.

Check out the opinions of people you respect

You surely have photographer friends or you are in contact with other enthusiasts whom you admire and respect. Wouldn’t you like to know their sincere opinion on your work? Send them your online portfolio and ask them to give you constructive criticism . Do not take their remarks badly: other points of view will enrich yours, you will be able to learn new things and take into account aspects that had not crossed your mind until then… Check for more on

See also  How to take a photo against the light?

Do not take the opinions of others the wrong way: they will enrich and nuance your point of view and you will learn things.

Regularly re-evaluate your best work

It’s healthy to review your best work from time to time and discard any images that aren’t up to par. It doesn’t make sense to save for the sake of saving: be critical with your work and don’t be afraid to make decisions. The more photos you take and the more you sharpen that critical eye, the better your self-critical role will be.

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